Poesie e Canzoni


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[1] Music For an (im)possible salvation 56: Piero Ciampi "Ma che buffa che sei"(1977

[2] Music For an (im)possible salvation 55: Jimmy Webb "The Highwayman (Original

[3] Music For an (im)possible salvation 54: Laurie Anderson "Home Of The Brave"Full

[4] Music For an (im)possible salvation 53: Laurie Anderson "O Superman (For Massene

[5] Music For an (im)possible salvation 51: For Piero Ciampi (Livorno, 28 settembre

[6] Music For an (im)possible salvation 52: For Piero Ciampi (Livorno, 28 settembre

[7] Music for an (im)possible salvation 50: Diaframma "Amsterdam". Dall'album "S

[8] Music For an(Im)possible Salvation 49: Ennio Morricone"La Resa dei Conti"(1966)

[9] Music for an (im)possible salvation 48: Nico Fidenco "Bem Il Mostro Umano"


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