Poesie e Canzoni


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[1] Music For the Last Moments 33: Rick Wakeman "Amazing Grace"Solo Piano.

[2] Music For the Last Moments 34: Il Guardiano del faro "il Gabbiano infelice". Riv

[3] Music For the Last Moments 32: Elvis Presley "Amazing Grace"(1971)Dall'album "He

[4] Music For the Last Moments 31: Thomas Newman "Era Mio Padre"(Road To Perdition)(

[5] Music For the Last Moments 30: Georges Delerue "The Day of the Dolphin(Theme)"So

[6] Music For the Last Moments 30:Sergio Endrigo & Lallo Gori: "Le Colt cantarono la

[7] Music For the Last Moments 29:Stelvio Cipriani "Mark Il Poliziotto"(1975) di Ste

[8] Music For the Last Moments 28: Stelvio Cipriani "La Polizia ha le mani legate"(1

[9] Music For the Last Moments 27: Guido e Maurizio De Angelis "Afyon Oppio"(1972) d


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