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Toy Soldiers
« il: Marzo 07, 2010, 20:04:57 pm »
In una vecchia discussione ho inserito un link a questo blog americano:

Per chi sa l'inglese, consiglio VIVAMENTE di visitarlo. Contiene notizie e riflessioni interessanti.

Una cosa mi ha colpito in particolare:
il paragone che il blogger fa tra i soldatini giocattolo, abbandonati dopo essere stati usati, e le vittime maschili di abusi. La societą sa che esistono, ma li dimentica rapidamente.

I chose the name mainly because it represents the treatment of male victims in society. Just like those little green plastic men, boys and men who have been abused are considered disposable. Everyone knows about them, but no one talks about them. Everyone uses them, but no one wants them. Those little army guys come in buckets, get poured on the floor, loved for a handful of minutes and then get torched, melted, lost, chewed on and broken without a second thought. They are the toy everyone had but no one keeps. In a way, that is what society thinks of male victims. We are simultaneously remembered and forgotten. In certain circles, any mention of us causes immediate controversy and hostility. Any attempt to reach out for help is met with a stiff hand. Just like toy soldiers (and real soldiers) boys and men are expected to take it.