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Minigonna e stupro : una realtà o un mito idiota ?
Assolutamente la numero 1 .
Magari gli uomini più alterati psicologicamente possono essere "aizzati", però questi miti contribuiscono a dare ulteriori motivazioni femministe su una presunta realtà maschilista e misogina. Vanno per me eliminati. Da notare che almeno metà delle femmine dicono che una donna che si veste in quei modi è automaticamente una puttana.
Le donne si scagliano contro le veline, la mercificazione del corpo femminile, salvo poi rivendicare il diritto di girare liberamente per le strade a culo scoperto.
Ma si può dire vaffanculo?
Voto la numero 1.
La numero 2 è una completa idiozia e chi la pensa in quel modo ostacola chi si occupa seriamente della QM.
Ci sono degli studi in proposito ora cerco qualcosa e poi linko. Guardate che il modo di vestire di una donna è attentamente studiato e messo in correlazione con varie strategie riproduttive, una donna veste in modo diverso in base a tanti fattori, tra cui il periodo del ciclo.
So ad ad esempio che nel periodo più fertile, dove c'è una probabilità molto più alta di essere stuprate, le donne tendono a vestire in modo più sexy, dopo inserisco chi l'ha ricercato.
EDIT: come in ogni cosa che ha a che fare con il femminismo per ogni ricerca che dice che i vestiti sono da mettere in correlazione con lo stupro ci sono 10 ricerche femministe che dicono sfatano questo "mito" e che lo stupro non ha nulla a che fare con il sesso ma con la volontà di dominare.
Ecco un pezzetto di thornhill e Palmer "A natural history of rape"
--- Citazione --- Chavanne and Gallup (1998) found that young women exhibited a con-
siderable decrease in behaviors associated with risk of rape (e.g., walking
in a dimly lit area) when they were not "on the pill" (and thus had ovula-
tory cycles) and when they were in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle
rather than in the infertile phases. That study involved a large sample of
undergraduate women with a mean age of 22. The women completed an
anonymous questionnaire that included a range of 18 activities that they
could have been involved in during the past day. The questionnaire also re-
quested information about where they were in their menstrual cycle and
what method of contraception they were using. The 18 activities were sep-
arately rated by a different group of women on the basis of the extent to
which each activity would make someone vulnerable to sexual assault.
The 40 raters showed similar ratings of the 18 activities in terms of risk of
sexual assault. Among the women taking birth-control pills, there was
little variation in risk taking in relation to menstrual-cycle phase. (The
variation was not even close to statistical significance.) Women not "on the
pill," however, show a significant decrease in risk taking during the ovula-
tory phase of the cycle (days 13-17), and only during that phase. Rogel
(1976) found that, among about 800 victims of sexual assault, proper-
102 Chapter 4
tionately fewer women were raped during the middle portion of the cycle,
and this was especially the case for women who were in their late teens and
early twenties. Morgan (1981) got a similar result using a smaller but still
substantial sample (123) of female sexual-assault victims.
The reduction in risk taking by women of peak fertility (ovulatory,
mid-cycle) may be specific to rape. There is growing evidence that women
move around more and make greater efforts to mate during the ovulatory
phase of the cycle than during other phases. In a study using pedometers,
Morris and Udry (1970) found that women walked more at mid-cycle
than during other phases.11 Sexual activity also appears to increase at
mid-cycle (Chavanne and Gallup 1998; Gangestad and Thornhill 1998;
Thornhill and Gangestad 1999). Women exhibit changes in sexual prefer-
ences across the cycle. The findings that they prefer masculine facial
features and the scent of symmetric men at mid-cycle imply that they
pursue male genetic quality during the time of highest probability of
conception. Also, women's increased mating effort at mid-cycle results in
more extra-pair copulation in this phase of the cycle than in others (Baker
and Bellis 1995). Thus, women are most active and most sexual at mid-
cycle; however, in that phase they appear to specifically avoid activities
that would put them at risk of rape.
Perhaps women exhibit less activity related to risk of rape at mid-cycle
owing to their compliance with their mates' paternity-related increase
in control of their behavior at that phase. There is no strong evidence,
however, that men can detect that their mates are in the ovulatory phase
(Benshoof and Thornhill 1979; Burley 1979; Baker and Bellis 1995).
Recent studies indicate that the olfactory attractiveness of women to men
is unrelated to cycle phase or to use of oral contraceptives (Thornhill and
Gangestad 1999). Thus, the behavior that Chavanne and Gallup recorded
appears to be attributable to the female alone, without her mate's influence.
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Ecco un altro articolo interessante
--- Citazione ---Sexy walks 'keep men off scent'
Woman walking
Appearances can be deceptive, the researchers say
A sexy swing of the hips may attract admiring glances, but it is not a covert sign a woman is ready to breed, according to researchers.
A Queen's University, Ontario, team examined volunteers' walks and the levels of sex hormones in their saliva.
They found those with alluring walks were the furthest away from ovulation.
A British expert said the research, featured by New Scientist magazine, supported the idea women disguise their fertility to deter unsuitable partners.
'Surprising results'
Women give a wide variety of subtle signals to men to advertise the fact that they are ready to conceive and Meghan Provost, the lead researcher, had expected a "sexy", hip-swinging walk to be one of those.
If women are trying to protect themselves from sexual assault at times of peak fertility, it would make sense for them to advertise attractiveness... when they are not fertile
Meghan Provost, lead researcher
She analysed the gait of female volunteers, showed video clips to 40 men, asking them to rate the attractiveness of the way the women walked, and then matched the results to the hormone tests.
She said the results, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, were so surprising that she had repeated the experiment again with another group of male viewers.
The women who were most fertile at the time of the experiment walked with fewer hip movements and with their knees closer together.
She now thinks the findings tally with other research suggesting that women want to conceal their ovulation from males other than their chosen partner.
A sexy walk would be too obvious, so women are thought to use changes in smell and facial expressions that can be experienced only at close range.
Ms Provost said: "If women are trying to protect themselves from sexual assault at times of peak fertility, it would make sense for them to advertise attractiveness on a broad scale when they are not fertile."
Dr John Manning, from the University of Central Lancashire, agreed with this theory.
He said it was in a woman's best interests to form a closer attachment to one man to help raise children, rather than to advertise her fertile time and be approached by a larger number of competing males.
He said: "I think that the subtle signs of ovulation are used, in a sense, to promote monogamy.
"If you want to pick up on these, you have to be already living with, or close to, the woman, so this constrains the man into daily attendance on a woman."
--- Termina citazione ---
--- Citazione ---Changes in Women's Choice of Dress Across the Ovulatory Cycle: Naturalistic and Laboratory Task-Based Evidence
Kristina M. Durante
University of Texas, Austin, kdurante@mail.utexas.edu
Norman P. Li
University of Texas, Austin
Martie G. Haselton
University of California, Los Angeles
The authors tested the prediction that women prefer clothing that is more revealing and sexy when fertility is highest within the ovulatory cycle. Eighty-eight women reported to the lab twice: once on a low-fertility day of the cycle and once on a high-fertility day (confirmed using hormone tests). In each session, participants posed for full-body photographs in the clothing they wore to the lab, and they drew illustrations to indicate an outfit they would wear to a social event that evening. Although each data source supported the prediction, the authors found the most dramatic changes in clothing choice in the illustrations. Ovulatory shifts in clothing choice were moderated by sociosexuality, attractiveness, relationship status, and relationship satisfaction. Sexually unrestricted women, for example, showed greater shifts in preference for revealing clothing worn to the laboratory near ovulation. The authors suggest that clothing preference shifts could reflect an increase in female—female competition near ovulation.
Key Words: menstrual cycle • ovulation • clothing • female sexuality • sociosexuality
This version was published on November 1, 2008
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 11, 1451-1460 (2008)
DOI: 10.1177/0146167208323103
--- Termina citazione ---
In pratica tra uomini e donne c'è una battaglia, le donne (le femministe in particolare) cercano di nascondere quando sono fertili e cercano di nascondere tutte le loro strategie riproduttive, dicono che la minigonna non centra nulla con il periodo del ciclo o con le strategie riproduttive e danno spiegazioni psicologico-culturali a cose biologiche.
In pratica i vestiti che si indossano sono da mettere in correlazione alle strategie riproduttive, non sono affatto un qualcosa di culturale.
E c'è anche una lotta tra partner per decidere come deve vestirsi la donna, non è culturale, è biologico.
Guarda caso le maggiori battaglie del femminismo sono proprio sui vestiti e sull'eliminare le spiegazioni biologiche dei comportamenti.
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