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Offline nonmorto

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Uber stupra le donne
« il: Dicembre 09, 2014, 18:06:00 pm »
Mi pare di capire che qualsiasi cosa non vada bene ai governi o alla finanza o a qualche cricca automaticamente stupri le donne, intervengono quindi i cani da guardia del regime, ossia le femministe, che si indignano, ovviamente.

Vanno in piazza e ci spiegano che non bisogna stuprare le donne, urlando e strappandosi i capelli, a comando dei media però, perché loro tanto vivono nel mondo farlocco dei media.

Finora ha funzionato contro vari uomini potenti, Strauss Khan, Berlusconi, alcuni CEO.
Ha funzionato anche contro vari stati, ISIS e talebani, che opprimono le donne, stati guarda caso a cui si doveva fare la guerra.
Ha funzionato dando lezioni a caso anche ad alcuni fraticelli o sconosciuti che osano dire qualcosa di non politically correct.

Ora a quanto pare anche alcune compagnie stuprano le donne, ossia Uber.

Per chi non lo sapesse Uber è una compagnia di taxi a bassissimo costo che si prenotano tramite una app sugli smartphone. I suoi guidatori non hanno licenza da tassista perché in teoria sono autisti su commissione e non tassisti, in questo modo possono fare prezzi stracciati, liberalizzando di fatto il mercato.

Ovviamente questo non sta bene a varie cricche.

Ed ora la chicca di oggi: Uber è stata bandita in India perché uno dei suoi guidatori ha violentato una donna

C'è un articolo del 24 settembre riguardo Uber di un giornale indiano

10 little-known facts about Uber
Avani Bagga / September 04,2014
10 little-known facts about Uber
Uber, the app that lets you book a cab ride at the tap of a button, has completed an year of operations in India. For those who don’t know how it works, Uber connects commuters with nearby pre-registered cab drivers through a mobile application in over 150 cities in the world. From the time you confirm the ride when the driver calls you, expect to get picked up within a maximum of 15-20 minutes.

Unfortunately, little is known about Uber and its operations in India, even by those who have used an Uber service before. Here is a primer of 10 lesser-known things about the popular, but controversial, Uber:
1. Three employee policy
September 03,2014
Three employee policy
Uber has a policy of hiring only three employees in each city it operates in. These three executives handle all operations within the city. So much so that the drivers have to call the three-member team at a specified time, if they have any concerns.

Since it now operates in 10 Indian cities, there are about 30 Uber employees in India currently.
2. Founded by a dropout
September 03,2014
Founded by a dropout
Uber was founded in San Francisco, USA in 2009 by Travis Kalanick, a college dropout from University of California, Los Angeles and StumbleUpon founder Garrett Camp. Uber was Kalanick’s third venture, the first one having gone bankrupt. The company was funded in initial stages by former Google senior executive Chris Sacca and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

After the latest $1.2 billion investment led by Fidelity, Uber is now valued at a whopping $18.2 billion, a tad less than WhatsApp’s last valuation!
3. Uber rates its users
September 03,2014
Uber rates its users
It is routine to see a customer rating a service after using it. Uber is no exception. But, as a Uber user, you will get rated too.

The one to rate you will be your cab driver. So think before you make him wait because a bad rating will make you a less-preferred customer.

Moreover, Uber drivers are not allowed to wait longer times as it downgrades a driver’s ratings.
4. Free rides for new users
September 03,2014
Free rides for new users
What distinguishes Uber from other cab rental companies is the innovative marketing it is able to afford, thanks to large investors such as Google and Kleiner Perkins behind it. For instance, on the 65th Republic Day, Uber offered its users in Delhi a 65% discount on one cab ride.

It is also offers free rides for users on special occasions such as Mother’s or Father’s Day. Rival companies such as Ola, Meru, Taxi For Sure, TaxiPixi etc have not been able to match up to Uber on this front.
5. Present in 10 cities in India
September 03,2014
Present in 10 cities in India
Uber debuted in India exactly one year ago, but has rapidly expanded to 10 cities. It first launched operations in Bangalore last year around September on a ‘secret testing mode’, following which it was launched in Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Kolkata.

However, you will never see a cab bearing an Uber logo because Uber drivers are free to operate with other travel and tour operators and pick up Uber customers only when free.
6. An iPhone for each driver
September 03,2014
An iPhone for each driver
Uber has another policy, according to which the company gives free iPhones (latest models) to all its drivers. This is done so that once you set your location on the map while ‘requesting a ride’, the driver can track that and reach you on time. The iPhone is however locked and can’t be used for voice calling or any other usage.
7. No cash policy
September 03,2014
No cash policy
You can never pay a Uber driver with cash. You can only use your credit card (no debit cards) to register and create an Uber account. However, fewer credit users in the country means that Uber drivers rely only on the urban plastic money-using populace as its customers.

This policy may, however, change soon. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently raised serious objection to the payment mode of Uber, which authenticates each transaction with a two-stage password. Uber may have to tie up with Indian payment gateways to comply with RBI directives if it has to continue operating in India.
8. Every time you take Uber, you remit dollars out of India
September 03,2014
Every time you take Uber, you remit dollars out of India
As you get charged on your credit card, the money goes to a Holland-based Uber account near Amsterdam, from where it is further transferred to a US Wells Fargo account. It is only after seven days that 80% of the money paid reaches a driver’s account in India.

RBI has already taken cognizance of a complaint from radio taxi owners’ associations from Indian users that Uber is remitting foreign exchange out of India, bypassing RBI’s e-payment laws.

It not the first time that Uber has faced such accusations. It has also faced opposition in Canada, UK, US, Australia, Germany and Poland on different grounds such as enrolling non-commercial cab drivers, charging rates lower than prescribed by local laws, forex violation and unsafe driving.
9. Most pricey ride
September 03,2014
Most pricey ride
Uber’s premium pricing makes hailing a cab a big ticket expense. The price of the service varies in each city, but the minimum payout for a journey remains uniform at Rs 200. If you pick Uber Black, the fleet of cars available are Mercedes, BMW and Audi. The base fare is Rs 90, the cost per km Rs 25, and cost per minute Rs 2.

To make itself more affordable, Uber launched its more affordable version UberX this June, which provides cars like Toyota Etios and Maruti Swift DZire, and has a base fare of Rs 50, whereas the cost per kilometer is Rs 15, but the cost per minute remains the same.If we compare these rates with Ola Cabs, its upscale service Ola Sedan charges Rs 200 for first 8 km, Rs 18 per km, and Rs 2 per minute.

On other hand, Ola Mini charges Rs 150 for first 6 km, Rs 14 per km, while the cost per minute remains the same. While Uber Black works out to be much more expensive to rival services like Ola Sedan, the newly-launched UberX is cheaper and may do the trick for Uber in India.
10. Only a middleman
September 03,2014
Only a middleman
Uber doesn’t own any cars. It only acts as a middleman between people needing chauffeur-driven cars and cabs that are available at that place and hour. Also, you’ll never find any advertisements on a Uber car since its aim is to give customers a luxury experience.

And the service goes on an entirely different level in the US, where anybody can sign up as a Uber driver, unlike India where Uber uses only commercially-registered cab drivers. But good as it may sound, this feature is a threat to New York’s Taxi service, and is therefore, being protested against.

10 fatti su Uber, ossia 10 motivi per non usare Uber, già non andava molto bene, ora si mette a stuprare anche le donne.

Quando Uber inizierà a stuprare le italiane?

Offline nonmorto

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Re:Uber stupra le donne
« Risposta #1 il: Dicembre 09, 2014, 18:08:19 pm »
Quando ci fu l'altro stupro famoso indiano in un autobus, stupro per il quale ci furono tante rivolte di piazza con tanti morti, nessuno disse di bandire gli autobus, tutti se la presero con il governo indiano o con la polizia.

Ormai anche l'India ha capito come funziona il femminismo, hanno capito come sguinzagliare l'indignazione violenta femminista contro quello che gli pare, al tempo stesso fomentandola in continuazione con notizie di oppressione delle donne.

Alla fine in piazza muoiono gli uomini però. Per difendere le donne da non si sa cosa.

Offline TheDarkSider

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Re:Uber stupra le donne
« Risposta #2 il: Dicembre 09, 2014, 18:48:22 pm »
Bravo nonmorto, hai descritto alla perfezione il meccanismo attraverso il quale le femministe sono usate (o si fanno usare) dal potere per fare i propri sporchi interessi.

Poi il caso Uber e' davvero emblematico: proibire un'impresa che e' solo un intermediario tra clienti e autisti perche' un autista avrebbe stuprato una cliente e' provvedimento del tutto pretestuoso, sarebbe come proibire la sezione annunci dei giornali perche una persona ne ha stuprata un'altra contattata attraverso un'annuncio.

E' evidente il carattere pretestuoso e infondato del provvedimento, cosi' come e' evidente che quella dei taxisti e' una delle cricche/mafie peggiori di sempre, in grado di avere una forte influenza sul potere politico un po' dappertutto.
"Le donne occidentali sono più buone e tolleranti con gli immigrati islamici che le stuprano che con i loro mariti."
Una donna marocchina

Offline Vicus

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Re:Uber stupra le donne
« Risposta #3 il: Dicembre 09, 2014, 20:15:31 pm »
Graxie Nonmorto. Questa strategia mediatica dimostra poca flessibilità e inventiva, e richia nel medio periodo di raggiungere il punto di saturazione.
Noi ci ritroveremo a difendere, non solo le incredibili virtù e l’incredibile sensatezza della vita umana, ma qualcosa di ancora più incredibile, questo immenso, impossibile universo che ci fissa in volto. Noi saremo tra quanti hanno visto eppure hanno creduto.