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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #45 il: Aprile 07, 2015, 15:14:08 pm »
Non capisco nulla di vaccini e di epidemie ma una cosa mi colpisce: la polio si trasmette con il contatto con le feci. O mangiando feci infette (improbabile) o più probabilmente bevendo acqua contaminata da feci, quindi per combattere la polio non servono davvero campagne di vaccinazioni forzate dove prendono i bambini casa per casa da madri urlanti sotto scorta militare, basta una campagna di sanitizzazione, basta una pompa per l'acqua ed un sistema fognario, non so cosa costa di più, se costruire un sistema per l'acqua o vaccinare forzatamente i bambini uno per uno.

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #46 il: Aprile 07, 2015, 15:28:00 pm »
Altro articolo interessante

The Battle to Eradicate Polio in Pakistan

July 29, 2014
A Pakistani health worker vaccinates a child in Islamabad
Anadolu Agency/Getty Images A Pakistani health worker vaccinates a child in Islamabad
Political unrest in Pakistan has been a gift to the poliovirus, with 99 cases reported there so far this year. But Rotary International, which has already vaccinated 2 billion children in 122 countries, is hitting back hard

Epidemiology can be all about geography—and that’s especially true when it comes to polio. If you live in the U.S., where polio was eradicated in 1979, the specter of the disease has faded almost entirely, though pockets of infections can occur among the unvaccinated. In Pakistan, however, things are moving in precisely the opposite direction, and have been for a while now.
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One of only three countries in the world where polio remains endemic (the other two are Nigeria and Afghanistan), Pakistan had been close to joining the world’s polio-free nations, with only 58 infections in 2012. But thanks to bans on vaccinating—and deadly attacks on polio fieldworkers—by the Pakistani Taliban, the caseload rose to 93 in 2013. In 2014, the total reached 99 by July 18—a figure all the more alarming compared to this point last year, when there had been just 21 cases.
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“It’s a scary number,” says Aziz Memon, Pakistani chairman of Rotary International’s polio eradication campaign. “Children in North Waziristan have been trapped for three and a half years without a drop of polio vaccine, and that’s what’s causing this.”

The folks at Rotary know what they’re talking about. Since launching their polio eradication effort in 1985, they have been responsible for the vaccination of 2 billion children in 122 countries. Along with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, The Gates Foundation and others, they have helped slash the global infection rate from 350,000 cases per year in 1988 to 416 in 2013.

That’s indisputably good news, but polio is an exceedingly sneaky virus, with 200 symptom-free carriers for every one case of the disease. That fact, combined with the anti-vaccine forces in Pakistan, not to mention the porous borders cause by war and unrest in the overall region, has caused the disease to leak out from the three endemic countries, with stray cases turning up in Equatorial Guinea, Iraq, Cameroon, Syria, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. In a handful of other countries, the virus has been detected in sewage, but it has not led to any cases of the disease—yet.

It’s Pakistan though that’s considered ground zero, and Rotary has announced that it’s now deploying some very simple weapons in what has always been a village-to-village, door-to-door battle. To improve surveillance and tracking—a maddeningly difficult job in a country in which so many people live off the communications grid—Rotary has distributed hundreds of cell phones to midwives who circulate through communities, canvassing residents to find out who has received the vaccine and who has been overlooked. Information on the unvaccinated kids—the “missing children” in the fieldworkers argot—is entered into the phones and uploaded to a central spreadsheet, allowing later vaccinators to target their efforts more precisely.

“The midwives also track pregnant mothers,” says Memon. “And when their children are born they can continue to maintain complete health records, not just for polio but for other vaccines and basic health care as well.”

Rotary has also worked with The Coca-Cola Company to build what’s known as a reverse osmosis water plant—essentially a sophisticated filtration facility—in the town of Malin, within the city of Karachi. Polio is a disease spread almost entirely by human waste, and once it leeches into the water system it can spread nearly anywhere. The Malir plant, which was constructed near a school to give polio-age kids the first access to the newly filtered water, is a relatively modest one, with just 20,000 gal. (76,000 liters) of clean water on hand at any one moment, and cost only $40,000 to build. But as a pilot project it represents a very good start. “We can’t build a massive plant like the government can,” says Memon. “This is a small plant for a small community.”

One thing, paradoxically, that’s working in the vaccinators’ favor is the increased number of displaced people in Pakistan. A recent push by the Pakistani military to flush the Taliban from its safe havens has broken the vaccination blockade, and already 350,000 children have received at least one dose of the polio vaccine. But 1.5 million refugees are scattered around the country. Rotary has dispatched field workers to refugee camps and transit points to identify the children and few adults who need the polio vaccine and administer it on the spot.

“The government did not have any idea about what the numbers of displaced people would be,” says Memon. In the refugee camps, he adds, there are at least 40,000 pregnant women, whose babies will have to be vaccinated shortly after birth.

The diabolical thing about polio—and indeed any disease science hopes to eradicate—is that even one case is too many. As long as any wild poliovirus is out there, everyone needs to be protected. It is only when the last scrap of virus has been found and snuffed, that the protective push can stop. That has happened once before in medical history—with smallpox. In the case of polio, it’s tantalizingly close to happening again.

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It’s Pakistan though that’s considered ground zero, and Rotary has announced that it’s now deploying some very simple weapons in what has always been a village-to-village, door-to-door battle. To improve surveillance and tracking—a maddeningly difficult job in a country in which so many people live off the communications grid—Rotary has distributed hundreds of cell phones to midwives who circulate through communities, canvassing residents to find out who has received the vaccine and who has been overlooked. Information on the unvaccinated kids—the “missing children” in the fieldworkers argot—is entered into the phones and uploaded to a central spreadsheet, allowing later vaccinators to target their efforts more precisely.

una guerra casa per casa? Dare cellulari alle infermiere  che schedano tutte le mamme e tutti i bambini per creare un database centrale?

Rotary has also worked with The Coca-Cola Company to build what’s known as a reverse osmosis water plant—essentially a sophisticated filtration facility—in the town of Malin, within the city of Karachi. Polio is a disease spread almost entirely by human waste, and once it leeches into the water system it can spread nearly anywhere. The Malir plant, which was constructed near a school to give polio-age kids the first access to the newly filtered water, is a relatively modest one, with just 20,000 gal. (76,000 liters) of clean water on hand at any one moment, and cost only $40,000 to build. But as a pilot project it represents a very good start. “We can’t build a massive plant like the government can,” says Memon. “This is a small plant for a small community.”

Quindi qualcuno se ne è accorto che invece di fare campagne di vaccinazioni forzate con l'esercito basta bere acqua pulita? Magari costa anche meno.

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #47 il: Aprile 07, 2015, 15:51:02 pm »

Di questo articolo riporto solo uno spezzone

KARACHI, Pakistan — Until recently, polio was considered a poor man’s problem in Pakistan — a crippling virus that festered in the mountainous tribal belt, traversed the country on interprovincial buses, and spread via infected children who played in the open sewers of sprawling slums.

But since the World Health Organization declared a polio emergency here last week — identifying Pakistan, Syria and Cameroon as the world’s main reservoirs of the virus — the disease has become an urgent concern of the wealthy, too.

A W.H.O. recommendation that travelers not leave Pakistan without a polio vaccination certificate has caused confusion. Doctors, clinics and hospitals have been inundated with inquiries. The association of travel agents has reported “panic” among air travel customers.

Tutto ad un tratto in Pakistan, dop che il WHO crea un allarme, la polio, che era considerata una malattia quasi sconfitta che colpisce solo i poveri, diventa una emergenza nazionale e tutta la nazione si mobilita per sconfiggerla. I ricchi si chiedono perché devono essere vaccinati pure loro.

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #48 il: Aprile 08, 2015, 06:36:50 am »
Scusatemi ho fatto casino con i post, si possono spostare i miei ultimi 4 post qui (5 compreso questo) nel thread sull'ipotesi ciprini sulla sterilizzazione dell'umanità?
Fatto  ;)
Noi ci ritroveremo a difendere, non solo le incredibili virtù e l’incredibile sensatezza della vita umana, ma qualcosa di ancora più incredibile, questo immenso, impossibile universo che ci fissa in volto. Noi saremo tra quanti hanno visto eppure hanno creduto.

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #49 il: Aprile 08, 2015, 06:48:06 am »
Non ci sono solo i vaccini, ma anche le campagne di "profilassi": l'educazione è una forma di guerra. Si stravolge lo stile di vita di intere popolazioni, con l'uso pianificato di contraccettivi e aborto come pesticidi umani, in tandem con la diffusione di modelli consumistici.
La 'sovrappopolazione' è temuta soprattutto da chi sa che una collettività numerosa e giovane è meno malleabile di una comunità frammentata di vecchi.
« Ultima modifica: Aprile 08, 2015, 07:26:15 am da Vicus »
Noi ci ritroveremo a difendere, non solo le incredibili virtù e l’incredibile sensatezza della vita umana, ma qualcosa di ancora più incredibile, questo immenso, impossibile universo che ci fissa in volto. Noi saremo tra quanti hanno visto eppure hanno creduto.

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #50 il: Aprile 08, 2015, 12:46:07 pm »
Devo dirvi una cosa sui cinquestelle: fanno il contrario dei partiti profemministi , cioè i cinquestelle a parole sono contro le quote rosa, invece coi fatti sono rigorosissimi nella gestione delle loro liste.

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #51 il: Aprile 08, 2015, 14:08:14 pm »

Infatti i 5S hanno messo più donne che uomini come deputati e senatori.
Fuochi verranno attizzati per testimoniare che due più due fa quattro.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #52 il: Aprile 08, 2015, 23:05:56 pm »
Premetto che capisco che forse vi sto ammorbando e che non mi ero mai occupato prima di vaccini, sapevo qualcosa da non esperto sui GMO, sto postando quello che trovo mentre lo leggo pur non essendo del settore.

Ho trovato una donna, Stephanie Seneff, che lavora al MIT ma si occupa di intelligenza artificiale, che mi pare di capire viene screditata un po' ovunque dagli scienziati più "seri" ha pubblicato delle cose interessanti, ossia che i vaccini ed i cibi GMO creano tra loro una sinergia e diventano molto pericolosi se assunti insieme.

La Bill & Melinda Gates foundation si occupano insieme di vaccinare il mondo e di sfamare il mondo con cibi GMO. E Bill Gates è andato al TED Talk parlando dei vaccini come un sistema per ridurre la popolazione mondiale.

Ecco il quote più interessante della Seneff.

What I think people don't appreciate is that the vaccines and the glyphosate are synergistically toxic.  The glyphosate is making the chemicals in the vaccines much more dangerous to the children than they would otherwise be.  As I said, the glutamate is very interesting because glyphosate disrupts the body's ability to metabolize glutamate, so the glutamate becomes toxic and gets into the brain.  I think that's the critical thing with the MMR vaccine, which has not been appreciated even by even the people who believe the MMR may be linked to autism. Until we can find a way to produce vaccines without using these toxic chemicals, we need to really worry about the extent to which we're vaccinating our children.

Articolo completo

Dr. Stephanie Seneff: Senior MIT Research Scientist, on Vaccine Safety.

By Anne Dachel

For those who would think that all we need to do is remove the mercury or separate the MMR into three vaccines, senior MIT researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff makes it clear that the vaccine issue is much more complicated than thimerosal and live viruses.

I first learned about Dr. Seneff last summer when I read the story, Warning: Half of all Children Will Have Autism by 2025

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, research scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), made a dire prediction earlier this month during an event sponsored by the Groton Wellness organization. She said, "At today's rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic."

Seneff was leading a presentation that showed a strong correlation between the increased use of Roundup starting in the early 1990's and the rising number of autism diagnoses over the past three decades. In 1975, 1 in 5,000 children were diagnosed with autism. The current rate is 1 in 68, and it shows no sign of slowing down.

We are now quite used to the stunning increases in the autism rate, announced every couple of years, usually just before the media reporting frenzy during April, Autism Awareness Month, when we annually light the world up in blue and pretend that a debilitating disorder when no known cause or cure is something to celebrate.  Each and every increase is accompanied by some official solemnly assuring us that they're not sure if THIS INCREASE really means more children have autism.  No one ever questions the numbers or the willingness of everyone--the medical community, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and mainstream news outlets--to leave autism as some curious puzzle we just can't figure out yet.  There is never a demand for answers.  Never any alarm.

When I read Dr. Seneff's prediction, I was stunned.  How much worse could things get?  This was certainly something that officials and doctors couldn't ignore.

Incredibly Seneff's autism forecast didn't make the network news nor was there a New York Times headline: MIT Professor Warns 50 Percent of Children With Autism by 2025.

There were autism websites that reported on the announcement, along with a story in Psychology Today called,  Autism Apocalypse by 2025?--What would happen if the prediction by MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff came true? 

This piece was by Amy S.F. Lutz who seemed to understand that this was, in her words, "a truly terrifying forecast."  Lutz noted that Seneff's background is electrical engineering and computer science, not medicine.  According to Lutz, the fact that Seneff is "still actively arguing that vaccines cause autism, a theory that has been repeatedly discredited through multiple studies published in peer reviewed journals" also lessened her credibility. 

Still Lutz was troubled by what Seneff predicted.  She wrote, Just last month, my husband and I were discussing that very possibility - as a hypothetical situation, not as an outcome predicted by a scientist at one of the world's most prestigious universities. What would we do if half of all children had autism? Would people still choose to reproduce? Would they be willing to take that risk? How would the government respond?"

I have to admit, my imagination failed me. I was a fiction writer in my previous life, and still I could not conceive of what we as a society would do if half the children born were autistic.

Lutz seemed to hold to the belief that children were somehow born with autism and that we're powerless to do anything about it.  She couldn't imagine how our country would be able to provide for massive numbers of disabled individuals.  She cited dollar figures that were not even close to what the lifetime cost of caring for someone with autism would likely be.

Where was the demand to know why this is happening?  We're talking about CHILDREN WITH AUTISM.  Something is causing this.  Why didn't Lutz show any concern over the lack of a comparable rate among middle aged and older adults?  Do we just resign ourselves to nightmare of unending autism?

Sadly, this is the future.  Autism isn't going away.  The current generation with autism will age into adulthood with nowhere to go.  More and more children will be diagnosed with autism.  Evidently we'll be forced to recognize that autism is an epidemic of recent origin.  We'll have to admit that something in the environment is crippling massive numbers of children.  STILL, those in power will no doubt continue to blame factors OTHER THAN VACCINES.  It can never be the vaccines.

(As far as the charge by Lutz that Dr. Seneff has no background in biological science, this is from the MIT website:

Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S.
degree in Biophysics in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical
Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her
research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and
computation: developing a computational model for the human auditory
system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and
systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural
language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. She has
published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been
invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences.
She has also supervised numerous Master's and PhD theses at MIT. In
2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and
Communication Association (ISCA).

In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back
towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between
nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has written over a dozen papers (7
as first author) in various medical and health-related journals on
topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism,
cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side
effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies
and environmental toxins on human health.

I recently contacted Dr. Seneff and we talked about her views on autism--the rate and the cause.  I recorded her answers on Skype.

First of all, I asked about her forecast of one in every two children with autism by 2025.  This was her response:

I've been looking at the curves of the increase in autism.  It's quite alarming. This is what has caused me to devote all of my energy right now to try to figure out what the causes are.  You see the one in 150, then the one in 88, now the one in 68, you draw that graph, you extend it into the future.  What you need to realize, that one in 68, that's not kids being born today.  That's kids who are already twelve years old.  So we have to take that graph and already project it twelve years just to get to the people that are being born today. If you're talking 2025, which I'm saying, one in two, you need to extend that curve to 2037.  If you do that, it's comfortable to say that it will be one in two, if we don't change whatever is causing this.  And if it continues to go up on the curve that we already see, that's what it's going to be, one in two of the children being born in 2025 will end up with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum.

Dr. Seneff explained what she believes is behind the epidemic increase in neurologically disabled children everywhere.

 I've identified three or four different toxic chemicals that I think are crucial to the autism epidemic, and these are specifically the aluminum and mercury in the vaccines, but also glutamate in the vaccines, which people don't realize.  And in conjunction with glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup, the pervasive herbicide that is being used in huge amounts on the GMO Roundup Ready crops today.  This has been a continually escalating usage of this chemical on the food crops--the core crops of the processed food industry, with almost zero regulation on how much residue is allowed.  There's regulation, but it's hardly ever tested as far as how much is in the food.   And so we don't know how much we're getting exposed to, but we can be sure we're getting exposed to more today than we were previously because of the usage of Roundup on Roundup Ready crops has gone up exactly in step with the increase in autism.  It's a prefect match.

Here Dr. Seneff advises parents on what they can do.

What I think people don't appreciate is that the vaccines and the glyphosate are synergistically toxic.  The glyphosate is making the chemicals in the vaccines much more dangerous to the children than they would otherwise be.  As I said, the glutamate is very interesting because glyphosate disrupts the body's ability to metabolize glutamate, so the glutamate becomes toxic and gets into the brain.  I think that's the critical thing with the MMR vaccine, which has not been appreciated even by even the people who believe the MMR may be linked to autism. Until we can find a way to produce vaccines without using these toxic chemicals, we need to really worry about the extent to which we're vaccinating our children.  We need to cut it way back.  And if I were a young mother today, I would try very hard to get out of all the vaccines that contain aluminum, mercury and glutamate.  That's a pretty big list.  That's DTaP, Hepatitis B, MMR, the measles vaccine, the flu shot, all of those. . .  . I would like to eliminate them.  . . . If you don't choose to eliminate, you can actually delay--and that's much, much better than getting them on schedule, because a newborn child has a very weak immune system.  To give that child a Hepatitis B which contains a substantial amount of aluminum is very dangerous.  And now they've added the Gardasil vaccine, which has a very toxic form of aluminum in it, that they're giving to the teenagers, which is just on top of whatever load they might have accumulated up to that point.  The U.S. has the highest vaccination requirements in the world, along with the highest infant mortality rates among the top industrial countries.  If we're getting all those vaccines, it's somehow not compensating for whatever else we're poisoning ourselves with, which of course might be the case.  . . . When you look at the risk benefit ratio of the vaccines, it comes out short. You really have to think about whether it's worth the cost.  . . . Do you want your child to be permanently damaged in order to prevent it from getting measles?  It doesn't make sense.  I think we really need to question whether the vaccines are an obligatory part of a child's program. I certainly think they're not, particularly because they are so dangerous.  And in conjunction with the glyphosate, which is making them much worse.

Dr. Seneff is among a growing group of experts willing to speak out and challenge the safety of a one-size-fits-all vaccine schedule.  Here are a number of others in science and medicine that I've covered over the past seven years.

2007, Boyd Haley, PhD

2008, Frank Engley, MD

2009, Andrew Wakefield, MD

2010, Mayer Eisenstein, MD

2010, Bob Sears, MD

2011, Julie Buckley, MD

2011, Richard Halverson, MD

2012, Chris Shaw, PhD

2012, David Berger, MD

2013, Toni Bark, MD

2013 Ken Stoller, MD

2013, Michael Schachter, MD

2013, Mitchell Fleisher, MD

2014, Kelly Brogan, MD

2014, Andrew Wakefield, MD

2014, Bob Sears, MD

2014, Toni Bark, MD

Unfortunately, those in positions of power don't want to hear from them.  The media likewise won't cover their views and their malfeasance is harming us all.

More research and talks by Dr. Seneff:

Dr. Stephanie Seneff presentation on harmful effects of glyphosate, Oct, 2013.  (She begins to speak at 19:30)

Dr. Mercola: Why the Use of Glyphosate in Wheat Has Radically Increased Celiac Disease, Sept 2014.

Roundup: The "Nontoxic" Chemical that May Be Destroying our Health, by Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Oct 2013.

Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure, 2012.

Diminished brain resilience syndrome: A modern day neurological pathology of increased susceptibility to mild brain trauma, concussion, and downstream neurodegeneration, 2014.

Defining Autism with Dr Stephanie Seneff (June 2014)

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #53 il: Maggio 25, 2015, 21:10:17 pm »
Articolo del the guardian sul TTIP

EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents reveal

US trade officials pushed EU to shelve action on endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility to facilitate TTIP free trade deal
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Chief EU negotiator Ignacio Garcia-Bercero (R) and chief US negotiator Dan Mullaney hold a press conference in Washington, DC after a new round of talks on creating a transatlantic free trade zone, 19 May. Photograph: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images

Arthur Neslen Brussels

Friday 22 May 2015 11.58 BST
Last modified on Monday 25 May 2015 15.56 BST

EU moves to regulate hormone-damaging chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility were shelved following pressure from US trade officials over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal, newly released documents show.

Draft EU criteria could have banned 31 pesticides containing endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). But these were dumped amid fears of a trade backlash stoked by an aggressive US lobby push, access to information documents obtained by Pesticides Action Network (PAN) Europe show.

On 26 June 2013, a high-level delegation from the American Chambers of Commerce (AmCham) visited EU trade officials to insist that the bloc drop its planned criteria for identifying EDCs in favour of a new impact study.

Minutes of the meeting show commission officials pleading that “although they want the TTIP to be successful, they would not like to be seen as lowering the EU standards”.

The TTIP is a trade deal being agreed by the EU and US to remove barriers to commerce and promote free trade.

Responding to the EU officials, AmCham representatives “complained about the uselessness of creating categories and thus, lists” of prohibited substances, the minutes show.

The US trade representatives insisted that a risk-based approach be taken to regulation, and “emphasised the need for an impact assessment” instead.

On 2 July 2013, officials from the US Mission to Europe visited the EU to reinforce the message. Later that day, the secretary-general of the commission, Catherine Day, sent a letter to the environment department’s director Karl Falkenberg, telling him to stand down the draft criteria.

“We suggest that as other DGs [directorate-generals] have done, you consider making a joint single impact assessment to cover all the proposals,” Day wrote. “We do not think it is necessary to prepare a commission recommendation on the criteria to identify endocrine disrupting substances.”

The result was that legislation planned for 2014 was kicked back until at least 2016, despite estimated health costs of €150bn per year in Europe from endocrine-related illnesses such as IQ loss, obesity and cryptorchidism – a condition affecting the genitals of baby boys.

A month before the meeting, AmCham had warned the EU of “wide-reaching implications” if the draft criteria were approved. The trade body wanted an EU impact study to set looser thresholds for acceptable exposure to endocrines, based on a substance’s potency.

“We are worried to see that this decision, which is the source of many scientific debates, might be taken on political grounds, without first assessing what its impacts will be on the European market,” the chair of AmCham’s environment committee wrote in a letter to the commission.

These could be “dramatic” the letter said.

In a high-level internal note sent to the health commissioner, Tonio Borg, shortly afterwards, his departmental director-general warned that the EU’s endocrines policy “will have substantial impacts for the economy, agriculture and trade”.

The heavily redacted letter, sent a week before the EU’s plans were scrapped continued: “The US, Canada, and Brazil [have] already voiced concerns on the criteria which might lead to important repercussions on trade.”

The series of events was described as “incredible” by the the Green MEP Bas Eickhout. “These documents offer convincing evidence that TTIP not only presents a danger for the future lowering of European standards, but that this is happening as we speak,” he told the Guardian.

Earlier this year, 64 MEP’s submitted questions to the commission about the delay to EDC classifications, following revelations by the Guardian about the scale of industry lobbying in the run up to their abandonment. Sweden, the European Parliament and European Council have brought court proceedings against the commission for the legislative logjam.

Just weeks before the regulations were dropped there had been a barrage of lobbying from big European firms such as Dupont, Bayer and BASF over EDCs. The chemical industry association Cefic warned that the endocrines issue “could become an issue that impairs the forthcoming EU-US trade negotiations”.

The German chemicals giant BASF also complained that bans on pesticide substances “will restrict the free trade with agricultural products on the global level”.

Around this time, the commission’s more industry-friendly agriculture department weighed into the internal EU debate after being “informed by representatives of the US chemical industry” about it.

A common theme in the lobby missives was the need to set thresholds for safe exposure to endocrines, even though a growing body of scientific results suggests that linear threshold models – in which higher doses create greater effects – do not apply to endocrine disruptors.

“The human endocrine system is regulated by hormones and the hormone receptors are sensitive to low doses,” said Hans Muilerman, PAN Europe’s chemicals coordinator. “In animal toxicity studies, effects are seen from low doses [of endocrines] that disappear with higher ones. But in the regulatory arena, lower doses are not tested for.”

A commission spokesperson insisted that health and environmental concerns would be fully addressed, despite pressure from industry or trade groups.

“The ongoing EU impact assessment procedure is not linked in any way to the TTIP negotiations,” the official said. “The EU will proceed to the adoption of definitive criteria to identify endocrine disruptors, independently from the further course of our TTIP negotiations with the US.”

An EU-TTIP position paper on chemicals published last May, cited endocrine disruptors as as one of the “new and emerging scientific issues” which the EU and the US could consider for “enhanced regulatory cooperations” in a future TTIP deal.

“However, given the fact that a possible future TTIP Agreement will most likely not enter into force before the adoption of definitive EU criteria to identify endocrine disruptors, it is clear that the EU’s ongoing impact assessment and adoption of definitive criteria will not be dealt with in the TTIP negotiations,” the spokesperson said.

    This article was amended on 23 May 2015. An earlier version stated that the meeting between EU officials and representatives of the American Chambers of Commerce occurred on 2 July 2013. It in fact happened on 26 June.

Offline Vicus

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #54 il: Maggio 25, 2015, 23:08:24 pm »
Nel film Batman di Tim Burton si affermava la stessa cosa: prodotti chimici mescolati insieme (alimenti e cosmetici per esempio) avevano un effetto tossico.
Potrà sembrare frivolo, ma il cinema ha assunto il carattere del notiziario, come i notiziari quello del cinema  :lol:
« Ultima modifica: Maggio 26, 2015, 00:09:20 am da Vicus »
Noi ci ritroveremo a difendere, non solo le incredibili virtù e l’incredibile sensatezza della vita umana, ma qualcosa di ancora più incredibile, questo immenso, impossibile universo che ci fissa in volto. Noi saremo tra quanti hanno visto eppure hanno creduto.

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #55 il: Maggio 26, 2015, 00:05:19 am »
Nel film Batman di Tim Burton si affermava la stessa cosa: prodotti chimici mescolati insieme (alimenti e cosmetici per esempio) avevano un effetto tossico.
Potrà sembrare frivolo, ma il cinema ha assunto il carattere del notiziario, come i notiziari quello del cinema  :lol:

Non ho visto Batman ma sono d'accordo, ormai è più vera la fiction che i notiziari.

Nel film 2012 realizzato nel 2009 si parla di una pericolosa eruzione solare del 2012 che avrebbe potuto causare danni ingenti all'umanità.

Certo il film è errato, non si sarebbe surriscaldata la terra ma i computer avrebbero smesso di funzionare. Guarda caso nel 2009 la nasa fa una ricerca sulla possibile eruzione solare del 2012 giudicata particolarmente pericolosa e se avesse centrato in pieno la terra tra i possibili scenari c'erano anche previsioni apocalittiche.

Pochi sanno che se i computer smettono di funzionare smette di funzionare anche la rete elettrica e di conseguenza la rete idrica che spesso funziona con pompe, non si può più tirare lo sciacquone, non arriva più acqua, il cibo nei frigoriferi industriali e casalinghi va a male, insomma, caos totale con possibili rivolte popolari.

I giornali hanno riportato la notizia di questo studio della nasa come se fosse una frivolezza, notizia riportata in un trafiletto nella sezione scientifica. Negli anni prima del 2012 c'è stato il boom di kit di sopravvivenza e bunker sotterranei, chi si è premunito è stato additato come uno scemo che crede ai Maya (che peraltro non avevano fatto nessuna profezia).

La tempesta ha per poco mancato la Terra ma è stato un caso, non era facilmente prevedibile capire se l'avesse colpita o meno, quasi nessuno è stato informato se non per la fiction.

Notizia dei giornali

e repubblica online è stato quello che ha minimizzato meno, altri giornali parlavano di "possibili black out" invece che di catastrofe per l'umanità.

« Ultima modifica: Maggio 26, 2015, 00:09:32 am da Vicus »

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #56 il: Maggio 26, 2015, 00:11:08 am »
Per non parlare poi di robocop che illustra perfettamente la politica estera americana, come funziona il nesso tra media, politici e multinazionali, i possibili risvolti autoritari, la militarizzazione e l'uso dei droni. Lo spiega molto meglio di qualsiasi telegiornale che riporta invece notizie di fiction, con donne oppresse che muoiono da tutte le parti, nemici inesistenti inventati (al qaeda), politici che fanno il nostro interesse e così via.

Alla fine vai a vedere che ha sempre avuto ragione fabrizio che non distingue tra le due

Offline Vicus

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Re:Meglio tardi che mai, Ciprini contro gender e FEMMINISMO...
« Risposta #57 il: Maggio 26, 2015, 00:15:25 am »
I notiziari sono catastrofisti solo nella cronaca, per creare insicurezza nella popolazione. Ma quando si parla di politica ed economia somigliano alla Casa nella prateria, i politici fanno solo il nostro bene e non sono mai responsabili di nulla.
Noi ci ritroveremo a difendere, non solo le incredibili virtù e l’incredibile sensatezza della vita umana, ma qualcosa di ancora più incredibile, questo immenso, impossibile universo che ci fissa in volto. Noi saremo tra quanti hanno visto eppure hanno creduto.