Autore Topic: USA.Independent."E' un mio diritto essere cieca" e lo psicologo la rende cieca.  (Letto 996 volte)

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Da una notizia riportata sul quotidiano inglese The Independent


Woman 'arranges for psychologist to pour drain cleaner in her eyes after fantasising about being blind'
Jewel Shuping reportedly has Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a psychological condition where healthy people believe they are meant to be disabled
Jewel Shuping from North Carolina is diagnosed Body Integrity Identity Disorder
Jewel Shuping from North Carolina is diagnosed Body Integrity Identity Disorder Barcroft Media/ YouTube

A woman who fantasised about being blind claims to have arranged to have drain cleaner poured in her eyes to live the way she was “supposed to be born”, it has been reported.

Jewel Shuping, from North Carolina, said she was diagnosed with Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a psychological condition where healthy people believe they are meant to be disabled.

The 30-year-old’s desire to be blind reportedly began in early childhood. At the age of six she would spend hours staring at the sun after being told it could damage her eyes, she told Barcroft Media.
As a child Ms Shuping would spend hours staring at the sun after being told it could damage her eyes Barcroft Media/ YouTube

The agency reported that by the time she was a teenager, Ms Shuping started to wear thick, black sunglasses, getting her first white cane at 18, and was fully fluent in braille by 20.

Ms Shuping said she was “blind-swimming” or pretending to be blind. “The idea kept coming up in my head and by the time I was 21 it was a non-stop alarm that was going off,” she told Barcroft.
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In 2006, Ms Shuping said she found a psychologist willing to pour drain cleaner in her eyes to help her fulfill her wish to become blind.

The psychologist reportedly first poured numbing eye drops into each of Ms Shuping’s eyes, followed by two drops of drain cleaner.

Ms Shuping told the agency the process was extremely painful and that took around six months for the damage to fully take effect.

The psychologist was not named and it is not known if they are facing prosecution.
Jewel Shuping became fluent in braille at 20 Barcroft Media/ YouTube

BIID, a disorder coined by Dr Michael First, affects a small percentage of the population and is typically associated with the desire to have a specific body part amputated. Suffers often become envious of people who have the disability they crave.

A theory as to the disorder’s cause is that “the brain is not able to provide an accurate plan of the body” causing it to see the offending body part as “foreign and not actually part of the person, thus the desire to have it removed,” according to

Ms Shuping said she was sharing her story to raise public awareness of BIID and encourage people with the condition to seek medical help.

Bizzarro popolo gli italiani. Un giorno 45 milioni di fascisti. Il giorno successivo 45 milioni tra antifascisti e partigiani. Eppure questi 90 milioni di italiani non risultano dai censimenti (Winston Churchill) il blog di Jan Quarius

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Bhe è la logica conclusione della teoria gender.

Se un uomo si sente donna è il corpo che è sbagliato. Lo stesso se una donna si sente uomo. Non è mai il cervello. È uno psicoreato dire che è una malattia. Quindi ne consegue che qualsiasi "malattia" psicologica legata al proprio corpo non è una malattia della mente ma del corpo.

Mi ricordo che dissi ad una mia amica femminista "ma se io mi sentissi un cavallo, lo stato deve pagare le cure mediche per trasformare il mio corpo in cavallo o devo andare da uno psichiatra?". Mi spiegò che non c'entrava nulla essere un cavallo con essere un uomo o una donna o con il cambiare sesso. Le dissi "e se ci fosse una lobby che fa tanti soldi trasformando gli uomini in cavalli e tu tutti i giorni in tv vedessi commedie su uomini-cavalli e tutto il giorno al tg sentissi quanto sono discriminati gli uomini cavalli, crederesti ancora che c'è una battaglia per i diritti degli uomini cavalli in corso o che è tutta una gran pagliacciata?". Mi insultò pesantemente di nuovo e mi disse che paragonavo cose imparagonabili.

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Nessuna che dica che è nata per zappare a qualche femminista che la aiuti a ritrovare la sua vera identità?
Noi ci ritroveremo a difendere, non solo le incredibili virtù e l’incredibile sensatezza della vita umana, ma qualcosa di ancora più incredibile, questo immenso, impossibile universo che ci fissa in volto. Noi saremo tra quanti hanno visto eppure hanno creduto.