Dialoghi > Natura maschile e natura femminile
Soldatesse e donne in divisa (da carnevale)
--- Citazione ---Double discrimination
APRIL 26, 2018
Male army recruits are forced to serve double the minimum time as women after becoming a combat soldier and Australian Conservatives member and Iraq war veteran Bernard Gaynor says, 'It's discrimination against men'.
Australian Conservatives leader Senator Cory Bernardi says he, "welcomes party members calling out discrimination and hypocrisy in all their forms within our institutions".
The Daily Mail reports an Australian Defence Force job advertisement for combat soldiers requires men to put in twice the minimum effort of women.
The $61,400 a year position for a frontline Army infantry soldier states that males would need to commit four years as part of an initial period of service.
However, women would only be required to dedicate two years.
Mr Gaynor, says the Australian Defence Force is discriminating against men for ideological purposes.
'This discrimination is occurring ironically at the direction of the Australian Human Rights Commission,' he said.
Australian Defence Association executive director Neil James, who served in Iraq, was baffled as to why men would have to serve double the minimum period.
'It sounds unusual,' he said.
'It could be a mistake. I can't understand why they'd be different.'
An infantry soldier based in the New South Wales Hunter Valley told an Army Facebook page women were allowed to pass less stringent physical tests than men.
'With speed and aggression being the key, a female or male soldier who cannot move shoot and communicate with the section becomes a liability and degrades our ability to kill the enemy,' he said.
The Australian Defence Force's job advertisement said the Army was searching for a combat soldier capable of being able to 'seek out and close with the enemy, to kill or capture him, to seize and hold ground, repel attack, by day or by night, regardless of season weather or terrain'.
Under the rules of the minimum period of service, men can leave at any time after doing four years of their initial minimum period of service, compared with two for women, provided they didn't owe any return of service obligation.
To read Stephen Johnson's full article click here.
Meanwhile, Senator Bernardi says he remains concerned that women are allowed to serve on the front line in combat roles.
This is the Senator’s reasoning behind the position:
--- Citazione ---Australian Conservatives
Pubblicato il 18 mar 2018
Senator Cory Bernardi tackles the political correctness that lead to the government removing a clause allowing the armed forces to deem that some exercises were not suitable for women. He contrasts why the clause is being removed regarding women in the military, but not in elite sport.
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--- Citazione ---Feminism and the Indian Army
Feminism, War / By B V Rudhraya
30 December 2018 | 7 minute read
In the previous part, we explored feminism and its silence on war. If the average reader is not yet convinced that feminists being silent on imperial war is an issue, then it is something to dwell on, to park, as its linkage may become apparent with time. There are other issues that do require our attention.
In mid-December, the Indian army’s General Rawat spoke to CNN-News18, and was asked regarding women in combat roles in the Indian armed forces. He responded that women are already in combat roles such as mining and demining, manning air defences, and several other tasks (including women fighter pilots). He also clarified that the country may not be currently ready to have women commanders specifically in front-line combat. One initial reason given was that most of the common soldiers (jawans) were men from villages, and they may not be ready to be led by a female commander on the front-line. In addition, a “peeping tom” issue was prevalent not just on the front-lines, but away from it. He also asked the interviewer what she felt regarding the practicality and fairness of restricting women commanders from getting pregnant during their front-line combat tenure. At several points, General Rawat stressed that it is not that the army is not ready overall, but rather that it may take time to work these things out for front-line combat. On the face of it, these do seem like somewhat sensible responses, until we consider how feminists in the media responded.
In fairness to the News18 team, they too concurred that the logistics of allowing women into front-line combat are currently overwhelming and need time to be worked out. In addition, not only did the team acknowledge that the Indian army is largely a “peasant army” but the situation where female front-line officers are taken as POWs would become very precarious to deal with. Further, they mentioned that there was no need to get outraged, but rather to have a serious debate. On this point, perhaps the news channel could have done the public a service with some of the research that is presented here.
Unfortunately, the responses on twitter and in articles by feminists tells quite another story of the triggered reactions we have become accustomed to. Here is a sample: “chauvinistic, illogical and factually untenable”, “infantilising women”, “exposed his regressive mind-set”, “tends to normalise privacy intrusion of women”, “Like sexual harassment & pregnancy are a design flaw in women!! Regressive BS.”, “tragic for us Indian women that the men are also aware that women have no guarantee of safety anywhere”, “But at least the (Navy) chief conveyed that the navy has no prejudice against women”, etc.
One article (“Dear Bipin Rawat, Let’s Talk About Strong Women”) indicated that the writer may not have watched the interview at all, as she misquoted his statements, using standard issue feminist jargon: “…Rawat didn’t limit himself to women in the army, but included all women in his assessment that they’re unfit to handle challenging or conflict situations…”.
Let us examine whether General Rawat’s concerns were reasonable, regardless of whether his comments came across as not sufficiently woman-friendly for Indian feminists and the Delhi Lutyens liberals who pounced on him. Here is a sampling of key risks that have been highlighted in western armed forces, all worth a read to get a broader view:
Lower battle readiness due to higher female delinquency
Increased stress on men to compensate for physical limitations of women
Decreased unit cohesion due to sexual jealousies and envy
Higher sexual abuse rates compounding already high rates in non-combat roles
Added dimension of rape risks during capture leading to compromised battle information
Greater risks taken to save captured women combatants vs. male combatants, with accompanying public and media pressure
Long term woman’s disabilities including infertility risk at higher rates than men
Incapability to provide women’s friendly accommodation on the front-line
Reduced combat capabilities and lower unit efficiency (“’No one pretends allowing women onto the front line enhances the army’s capabilities”)
Deliberate abuse of maternity benefits to avoid combat (“mecca for single moms”)
Political correctness and poor advocacy already impacting units
Children raised without mothers
It is important to note that these are observations by female front-line and infantry soldiers, from the assumed “progressive” western armed forces! Let us stop for a moment and admit: perhaps General Rawat was actually being not just sensible but polite! These points do not even cover the well-known issue of returning veterans having PTSD and significantly higher suicide rates. Except here it will be our brave women potentially coming home with life-long disabilities and mental disorders, with accompanying impact on their families and children. Will sloganeering reassure these returning women soldiers and their families if this happens?
In the future, we may also have to face the issue of suppression of inconvenient data due to political considerations, something the Obama administration has been accused of already. These do not sound like good decisions. National and border security is not a place where one should welcome just about any voice.
With the sinking of the “unsinkable” Norwegian frigate in 2016, a lot of questions were raised, one being the sheer incompetence of the mostly female crew. The exact reasons for why the ship sank may have had more to do with the ship design itself, but the reviews of the communications and procedures among the crew indicated “incomprehensible errors” and “making them look like amateurs”. Since male crews are also known to make errors, this cannot by itself be taken as the only factor. This incident should, however, indicate to the feminists than even in progressive Scandinavia, such questions are still raised about overall combat readiness and capabilities of women. It is not simply a “regressive Indian attitude”.
Finally, it is known that during World War 2, women took part in front-line combat. This needs to be understood in the right context. When much of central and eastern Europe was looking like a killing field, old and young women, along with boys and girls were forced to defend their nation for civilizational survival reasons. There are also a lot of inspiring examples of women leading men into battle in India going back an entire millennia as it faced multiple invasions. But that is quite another matter when comparing it to peace-time operations, and hopefully no nation will face scenarios such as this. The Israeli scenario is also not comparable, as we do not have compulsory military service nor the same circumstances.
What is to stop this unfortunate habit of leading feminists and their desire to apply gender equality to every sphere? As many of these voices enjoy lucrative careers in the media and NGOs, the likelihood of their own daughters being placed in such situation is quite negligible and comes with little risk. This gender equality will instead be imposed on village or working class women who are more likely to join the armed forces. So far, we have yet to see them provide an honest assessment, backed by data and interviews of women in the military, that might suggest that we listen to their views at all.
But let these sane voices of progressiveness not despair! More relatively innocuous testing grounds are available. Perhaps these voices could try having an all female crew separate brawling men at urban nightclubs, or even replace some of the Indian kabbadi team with women and see whether it enhances performance and improves morale. To truly win public support, the feminists could go further by having Navjot Sidhu arm-twist Prime Minister Imran Khan into having all women Pakistani combat units on their front-line.
Humour aside, let us agree that perhaps General Rawat didn’t couch his statements in the politically correct language that feminists would like society to use, but this cannot be the point, and it goes beyond the General’s statements. It needs to be emphasized that soldiers are recruited among the best available in terms of performance and effectiveness for national defence, not some liberal philosophical ideal. Will the feminists and Lutyens media liberals admit that they were wrong? Keep in mind, not only has India had women leaders and heads of state, but also has a woman as the current Defence Minister. We have already seen the deadly silence on imperial war, and here we see more outcry in reverse. These type of views reflect not only poor research and objectivity, but will also endanger the lives of women and men, as well as impact national security. This is plain irresponsible.
Can’t Give Women Combat Roles, There Will be Ruckus When Maternity Leave is Denied: Army Chief Bipin Rawat, Shreya Dhoundial | CNN-News18 15 December, 2018
Army Chief Gen Rawat Says The Army Is Not Ready To Have Women In The Frontline | CNN-News18
‘An embarrassment for the country’: Twitter reacts to army chief Bipin Rawat’s sexist comments, 16 December 2018, Scroll.in
Women in Combat: The Navy Chief Spoke Sense but the Army Chief Did Not, Ghazala Wahab, 21 December 2018, thewire.in
Dear Bipin Rawat, Let’s Talk About Strong Women, Tanya Jha, 17 December, 2018
So When Are Women Joining the NFL?, Jessie Jane Duff, U.S.M.C. (ret.), Time Magazine, 30 January, 2013
There’s A Big Unknown About Putting The Female Body In Combat, Paul Szoldrafeb, Business Insider, 4 February, 2013
Women in combat put men at risk, Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune, 12 December 2015
Former British Army commander says having women in the army ‘will cost lives on the battlefield’, Harriet Agerholm, The Independent,10 July 2016
Don’t Put Women in Combat, Says Female Combat Veteran, Katie J.M. Baker, Jezebel, 5 July 2012
Norwegian warship accident raises questions on women in armed forces, theweek.in, 20 November 2018
Gender Politics And The Sinking Of The KNM Helge Ingstad, Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, 23 November 2018
Deployed US Navy Has a Pregnancy Problem, and It’s Getting Worse, Richard Pollock, 2 March, 2017
‘Army Not Merely A Job Provider’: General Bipin Rawat Lambasts Army Personnel Faking Disability To Gain Benefits, Swarayamag, 14 December 2018
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Ennesima dimostrazione del perché, in certi ambiti storicamente maschili, le femmine dovrebbero essere separate dai maschi.
La loro presenza è a dir poco nociva; anzi, tossica.
--- Citazione ---L'allieva pilota «vittima di nonnismo»: spunta un video in cui "frusta" i colleghi
Era solo questione di ore: adesso c'è un "controvideo". La denuncia di episodi di nonnismo presentata dalla ventenne Giulia Jasmine Schiff, sergente veneziana di Mira, contro i colleghi del corso Bpa (Brevetto Pilota di Aereo) avvenuti presso il 70° Stormo dell'Aeronautica Militare a Latina Scalo, ha scatenato la reazione dei colleghi. Alla denuncia presentata alla Procura militare di Roma era allegato un video in cui si vede la ragazza "subire" la cerimonia del tuffo nella piscina del pinguino, rito riservato agli allievi dopo il primo volo solista che vale il grado di pilota. Ma adesso c'è appunto un controvideo in cui si vede un'altra cerimonia del "pinguino".
Un allievo - del 124° corso Allievi ufficiali piloti di complemento -diventato pilota viene portato a spalla sulla pista del Comani fino alla piscina. Sono ragazzi e ragazze arrivati anche loro dall'Accademia di Pozzuoli. I volti sono pixellati per privacy. Tutti tranne uno. E' quello della Schiff che, questa volta, non sta subendo affatto. E' lì che ride e scherza e soprattutto stringe in mano una canna di bambù con cui "frusta" il didietro del suo collega, altro passaggio del rito di iniziazione, proprio come avevano fatto anche a lei.
Già perché è così che da sempre a Latina Scalo (e non solo) i piloti dell'Aeronautica militare festeggiano la conquista del primo brevetto: nel tragitto verso la piscina si viene bacchettati, si viene "sbattuti" contro l'ala di un aereo e poi dopo il tuffo si bacia la statuina del pingue. «Siamo romantici» spiegano. «Essere buttati in quella piscina significa aver superato il primo scoglio, quello che consente di vedersi appuntata l'aquila con la corona, non più pinguini (così si chiamano gli allievi all'arrivo a Latina Scalo) che sono uccelli senza ali».
Non ci sono commenti espliciti che accompagnano questo nuovo video, ma è come se i compagni di corso della ragazza volessero far vedere a tutti il clima che si respirava e si respira al 70° Stormo. Lo spiegano bene tanti piloti militari che ci sono passati, centinaia l'anno per decenni. «E' un rito liberatorio che suggella il primo successo aeronautico» commenta uno di loro. Un modo per fare squadra. Un momento che gli allievi appena arrivati a Latina Scalo non vedono l'ora di raggiungere e che ieri commentavano a mezza voce: «Magari l'avessimo già fatto noi quel tuffo».
Non un modo per intralciare le indagini, ma per inquadrare quello che è accaduto. Sul caso infatti è stata aperta un’inchiesta della Procura militare di Roma ed è stata istituita una commissione interna all’Aeronautica Militare. I fatti denunciati risalgono all’aprile scorso e ruotano tutti intorno a questa piscinetta. La sergente Schiff compie il suo primo volo in solitaria e conquista il brevetto di pilota di aeroplano. Appena atterrata, parte il rito: i colleghi di corso la raggiungono, aspettano che si tolga il casco, la sollevano e la portano in spalla per 200 metri fino alla piscina del pinguino. Nella denuncia è scritto che la ragazza non voleva, che è stata costretta. Nonnismo, dunque.
Nel nuovo video però si vede la stessa scena a ruoli invertiti, come dire che la ragazza era perfettamente consapevole di quella cerimonia di iniziazione e a giudicare dalle risate che si sentono (anche le sue) nessuno era stato costretto.
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--- Citazione ---Rovereto, “I canti alpini sono sessisti: servono testi che tutelano le donne”
Di Cristina Gauri - 22 Gennaio 2019
Roma, 22 gen – “Quel mazzolin di fiori“? Pericolosamente sessista. “Là nella valle c’è la Rosina, l’è la rovina di noi alpin”? Mascolinità tossica, offende la donna. E così via. Secondo Andrea Mardocchi, il presidente del coro Sant’Ilario di Rovereto (TN) è “giunta l’ora di far rispettare la donna anche nei canti corali. Come coro Sant’Ilario stiamo lavorando ad un progetto, che andrà in scena a fine anno, sulle donne e sul femminicidio, una piaga che purtroppo è sempre più diffusa e che va combattuta con tutti i mezzi”. Femminicidio? Nei canti alpini? La tesi di Mardocchi è che gran parte dei canti che da più di un secolo eccheggiano nelle nostre valli sono rei di mettere la figura femminile in secondo piano e la dileggiano, senza garantire la parità di genere. Bisogna quindi invertire la rotta e declinare il canto corale secondo il paradigma del politically correct. I fratelli Pedrotti, fondatori del leggendario coro della SAT, probabilmente si rivolterebbero nella tomba sentendo questa proposta.
Ma fino a che punto i canti corali sono maschilisti? “Alcuni decisamente, anche perché sono stati scritti in un’epoca dove la donna era relegata davvero ad un ruolo secondario. Ci sono pezzi popolari, classiconi del repertorio di tutti i cori, dove la donna è trattata male. I più non ci fanno caso perché sono abituati a cantare o ascoltare queste canzoni e il testo si ripete a memoria, senza pensarci e in modo goliardico. Penso a strofe che, per esempio, dicono ‘se ti trovo con un altro ti ammazzerò’. Non va più bene, la società è cambiata”. Ma davvero le donne si sentiranno minacciate da una strofa passionale in un canto di montagna?
I classici del canto popolare corale non andranno però rivisitati: “Quelle sono canzoni tradizionali e non si possono cambiare. Possiamo però abbinare a quelle nuovi brani con testi che tutelano la donna. Lo spettacolo che stiamo studiando è proprio questo: far sentire la differenza tra canzoni popolari di 50-60-70 anni fa e quelle moderne. Soprattutto con pezzi nuovi che saranno scritti proprio da donne”.
Per chi si preoccupa della tradizione Mardocchi ci assicura che essa non andrà persa ma “troviamo giusto affiancare canzoni nuove firmate dalle donne. Nelle canzoni di montagna e in quelle popolari, d’altro canto, si parla sempre di uomini, sono loro i protagonisti”. Forse perché a difendere i confini italiani, asserragliati sulle vette, c’erano degli uomini?
Ma verso la fine delle sue dichiarazioni Mardocchi ci svela il perché del suo improvviso flirt con le tematiche femministe: “I nostri cori, purtroppo, stanno perdendo un po’ alla volta pubblico. La tendenza è che c’è meno gente che ascolta i concerti”, svela il direttore. “I cori cantano canzoni di 50 anni fa che ormai sono roba di nicchia; anche per questo è necessario modernizzare il repertorio per avvicinare nuovo pubblico”. Un cambio di rotta guidato dalla paura di sprofondare nell’oblio quindi, e quale migliore modo di cavalcare l’onda della modernità nel 2019 se non strizzando l’occhio a politically correct e #MeToo?
Cristina Gauri
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... e niente, ogni giorno che passa è peggio.
L'aumento dei deliri va di pari passo con il costante declino del QI medio della popolazione.
--- Citazione da: Frank - Gennaio 23, 2019, 00:18:14 am ---Quel mazzolin di fiori“? Pericolosamente sessista. “Là nella valle c’è la Rosina, l’è la rovina di noi alpin”? Mascolinità tossica, offende la donna.
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