Questione Maschile in evidenza > Ida Magli, ex femminista

Ida Magli: con le donne al potere crolla l'occidente

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Piagnistei femministi australiani.


--- Citazione ---Snarge22
6 mesi fa
I'm currently adding to the wage gap.  The project I'm working on is now operating 24/7 and the night shift has a 23% wage bonus.  Also, since it really sucks for someone to cover for me for a weekend night or two I'm working two weekends out of three as well with associated compensation.  It sure messes with one's natural sleep patterns.  Point of note: no woman in my group wanted to work or share the night shift work and they absolutely hate working weekends even though they get compensated for it. 
When I go to work there are road repair night crews setting up traffic cones where they implement short-time repairs to the roads so as not to impact daytime traffic.  Rarely do I see a women out there working on those crews.
I think it's been a good six years now that I've kept an eye out for a woman driving a fuel truck and filling gas station tanks.  Have yet to see one.  Not one!
Anyone ever notice you rarely see a women in a bucket lift more than two stories up?
Once in a while I see a service "crew" working up in those telephone Cell towers.  They're either using climbing gear or dangling in a basket from a very tall crane. Never a woman.
The economy is booming where I live and thus a very high demand for construction "workers" which results in very good wages for those filling the jobs.  Yet one almost never see women doing those jobs.
I remember when those two commercial airliners hit the NYC twin towers.  Before they fell there were "firefighters" who went up into  those buildings to assist in putting out the fires and help evacuate the buildings.  That would be 342 MEN who lost their lives trying to make a difference.  Yet I never once heard a news report calling them fireMEN.  Imagine how big of a room is necessary to sit that many fellas along with the gear they have to carry?
Men have never been valued for their humanity, but now they don't even get any respect for the productivity they provide.
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Professoressa spagnola, demente e misandrica.

--- Citazione ---Feminist Teacher Tells Boys That Women Will ‘Cut Off Your Dicks’ Once They Take Over
By Pluralist | Jun 7, 2019
An audio recording released this week captures Aurelia Vera, a school teacher who is also a socialist city council member in the Canary Islands town of Puerto del Rosario, telling teen students that “boys should be castrated at birth” as part of a thought experiment in which students were asked to envision a matriarchal society.

The recording, published Thursday by Spanish newspaper Okdiario, kicked up a firestorm of backlash that included a denunciation of the educator’s behavior by Francisco Serrano, the anti-feminist leader of Spain’s Vox political party.

Serrano has filed a complaint in the Spanish court system against Vera, claiming he has received numerous messages on Facebook from concerned parents of students in her class.

Vera is a ranking member of the Puerto del Rosario branch of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, according to Okdiario.  Multiple outlets reported that she also teaches language at I.E.S. San Diego, a high school in Puerto del Rosario.

According to El Diario, the teacher’s comments came as part of a discussion centered around Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale,” a novel turned Hulu series depicting a dystopian nation called Gilead, in which women are relegated to sexual slavery. Atwood’s work has become increasingly popular among feminists who see in Gilead an accurate reflection of modern day patriarchal society.

El Diario reported that Vera prompted students to imagine a society in which the roles were reversed and women physically subjugated men. This is the alleged context of Vera’s remarks, heard in the Okdiario recording.

“Boys should be castrated at birth, but selectively, to avoid the extinction of the species,” Vera said in response to a student’s question. “We must make men stop governing so they give power to us. Will they voluntarily do it? No. We have to resort to selective castration.”

“If they cut your dicks off, it’s no big deal,” she told male students.

At one point during the debate a student asked, “So, what system do you think is needed?”

Vera responded by saying, “the matriarchy,” a system based on “the power of women.”

The beleaguered educator responded to the controversy in a Thursday interview with El Diario.

“In all these years of pedagogical work I have never heard any complaints from students or their parents. My objective is to awaken the critical senses and I do it by way of provocative texts, which awaken interest,” Vera, who admitted to feeling “overwhelmed” by the public “lynching” she’d received in the wake of the recording’s release, told El Diario.

The Aurelia Vera controversy amid the broader feminist debate
The ongoing culture war over the treatment of women has flared up in recent years.

Feminists, on one side, argue that women still have plenty of battles to fight before the oppressive influence of “the patriarchy” is fully stamped out. They point to issues, such as the recent push to curtail abortion in several southern states, as evidence.

Meanwhile, critics accuse feminists of caving to the most radical adherents to its ideology.  In a scathing rebuke of the state of the movement published in National Review in 2014, writer David French argued that contemporary feminism “actually strives to elevate the crazy, the stupid, and the just plain hysterical into the realm of actually relevant cultural and political commentary.”

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--- Citazione ---El Diario reported that Vera prompted students to imagine a society in which the roles were reversed and women physically subjugated men. This is the alleged context of Vera’s remarks, heard in the Okdiario recording.

“Boys should be castrated at birth, but selectively, to avoid the extinction of the species,” Vera said in response to a student’s question. “We must make men stop governing so they give power to us. Will they voluntarily do it? No. We have to resort to selective castration.”

“If they cut your dicks off, it’s no big deal,” she told male students.
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Per certi versi mi fanno quasi... tenerezza, queste povere cerebrolese complessate e misandriche.
Mi fanno tenerezza, perché son letteralmente ossessionate dagli uomini, da immaginare fantasiose realtà che possono albergare solo nelle loro menti malate.

La metto per un attimo sul personale...
Dunque, immaginiamo alcune di queste tipe che vogliono... castrarmi.
Bene, come farebbero ?
Puntandomi una pistola in faccia ?
Magari manipolando e assoldando qualche omuncolo senza palle ?
Oppure verrebbero direttamente loro a bloccarmi, usando... la (loro) forza fisica ?  :rofl1: 
Ma devo ridere o incazzarmi per davvero ?
No, perché queste signore e signorine, devono veramente augurarsi che la massa maschile non prenda coscienza di certe bestialità, perché qualora accadesse sarebbe la fine di queste mentecatte.
Sarebbe la loro fine, perché nel momento in cui gli uomini (del futuro...) dovessero iniziare a percepire e considerare le femmine delle nemiche da combattere e abbattere, per le suddette sarebbero cazzi amarissimi.
E di questo passo la corda prima o poi si spezzerà.*


* Probabilmente quel giorno sarò già morto; ma di certo c'è che niente è per sempre.



E' uno scenario che pare possibile. In quasi tremila anni, nulla è cambiato eccetto l'atteggiamento degli uomini:

"Romolo stabilì anche una legge secondo la quale una moglie non potesse lasciare il marito. Al contrario la donna poteva essere ripudiata se tentava di avvelenare i figli, di sostituire le chiavi di casa :lol: o in caso di adulterio."

Pare di leggere una cronaca odierna.


--- Citazione da: Frank - Giugno 09, 2019, 00:43:32 am ---Professoressa spagnola, demente e misandrica.

Per certi versi mi fanno quasi... tenerezza, queste povere cerebrolese complessate e misandriche.
Mi fanno tenerezza, perché son letteralmente ossessionate dagli uomini, da immaginare fantasiose realtà che possono albergare solo nelle loro menti malate.

La metto per un attimo sul personale...
Dunque, immaginiamo alcune di queste tipe che vogliono... castrarmi.
Bene, come farebbero ?
Puntandomi una pistola in faccia ?
Magari manipolando e assoldando qualche omuncolo senza palle ?
Oppure verrebbero direttamente loro a bloccarmi, usando... la (loro) forza fisica ?  :rofl1: 
Ma devo ridere o incazzarmi per davvero ?
No, perché queste signore e signorine, devono veramente augurarsi che la massa maschile non prenda coscienza di certe bestialità, perché qualora accadesse sarebbe la fine di queste mentecatte.
Sarebbe la loro fine, perché nel momento in cui gli uomini (del futuro...) dovessero iniziare a percepire e considerare le femmine delle nemiche da combattere e abbattere, per le suddette sarebbero cazzi amarissimi.
E di questo passo la corda prima o poi si spezzerà.*


* Probabilmente quel giorno sarò già morto; ma di certo c'è che niente è per sempre.



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Rischiamo di vedere assai presto non tanto tale consapevolezza maschile della misandria femminile (campa cavallo) quanto piuttosto la fine oramai prossima di questa civiltà oramai arrivata al capolinea e dominata dalla finanza speculativa quando essa stessa imploderà in uno scoppio della bolla finanziaria enorme che ci sovrasta e che più prima che poi ci pioverà sulla testa. Allora non ci sarà più un futuro, nemmeno da immaginare. Ce lo saremo divorato. Perchè saremo piombati non nel Medioevo, ma nel paleozoico. Con tanto di ritorno in auge del patriarcato con i suoi annessi e connessi. E per le nostre femminucce saranno davvero cazzi eterni e amari. Anzi, amarissimi.

Fonti numerose e autorevoli parlano di un periodo di qualche mese, in cui mancheranno i servizi essenziali: acqua, cibo, elettricità, comunicazioni e... Internet.


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