Autore Topic: Convegno Internazionale di Vancouver 3-4/10/2025 sulla Paternità.  (Letto 165 volte)

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Cari Amici QM!
Ecco il Testo del mio Intervento come relatore al Convegno Vancouver 2025 sulla Paternità.

(per il testo in italiano scrivetemi)

Network & Help Fathers Foundation 

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Re:Convegno Internazionale di Vancouver 3-4/10/2025 sulla Paternità.
« Risposta #1 il: Dicembre 10, 2024, 21:41:00 pm »
Testo dai contenuti importanti, a tratti coraggioso quando parla di '68, di famiglia tradizionale, dell'uomo come punto di riferimento della donna.
Fabio HA PIU' CUORE, HA PIU' CARATTERE di bande di presunte guide dell'Occidente che vivono in un Castello di Kafka. Di certi argomenti che dovrebbero essere ovvi parla quasi solo lui. Mi sono permesso di aggiungere tra quadre alcune riflessioni che questo testo mi ha suscitato:

2025, Canada

written by Fabio Barzagli
The main italian site for Fatherhood, Manhood and Childhood.

" I cannot think of any need in childhood
as strong as the need for a father's protection." -- Sigmund Freud

Dear sirs, dear partecipants,
first of all sorry for my bad english but probably you don't know here in Italy W're not very skilled
about it.
I'm 50 and since 2003 I run the biggest Italian site about Fatherhood, Manhood
and Childhood. My site is partly translated in english thanks to the help of some friends and
Since child, living in the marvellous tuscany mountains, I was curious about nature and the mystery of Life, I was both Spiritual and Scientist and I was asking myself the reason We're here on this planet and what's our main mission.
I come from a humble family I was lucky in childhood because I had a dad and a mom.
My father was a man of action and just a few words.. so It took me a lot to understand Him and understand masculinity.
I am a musician, a documentary maker and books writer, philosophy is important like psychology for me.
I experienced divorce at 19 (my parents) and also in adult age (I lost my daughter at 29 for the PAS, parental alienation syndrome) [la bontà che tutti predicano non paga in questo
mondo degenerato, ma con un simile mondo si continua a "dialogare"]
During these 20 years of social activity with I offered life coach free support for fathers and depressed people [non li cacciava come fanno altri? Incredibile!].
I help young fathers with educational support, separated fathers with legal and psychological support, couples explaining male and female role, supporting children and healing their roots and relationships with the father, supporting men and women through depression and existential crisis (me too I passed depression in 2018, healing after 3 years).

So 80% of my day is spent in free charity activities toward my Community.
Why do I help people for free?
Because I'm a Father
While Mom is focused on her children, her husband, her family, her house, the Father is also focused "outside". He's not only the Father of his children but He is father to all children of the Community.
This is the right point of view as a Father, this is our mission.
A Father is a philosopher, an educator, a spiritual anchoring for all children of the world and for his Community.
Let's imagine a Father like a rock in a field full of grass, a windy place where people need to find a fixed point to navigate healthy and meaningful during life.
I know it's hard, but We can call ourselves Men.. only if We help youngs to become Men too.
But how can I be a strong Father in difficult times, How can I be always sure of my thoughts, my believes?
Well.. You have to study a lot, experience a lot, have good masters, that's the secret, you have to believe in yourself, be humble, dreamer and concrete at the same time.
You have to learn about an important thing I call it "The Line of Life": just imagine an endless Line.. COMING TO US from our fathers, ancestors, and CONTINUING AFTER US toward our children and descendents.
Yeah.. it's very easy.. as Dads We're there in the Middle of eternity, in the Middle of the endless Line of Humanity and We have to do our part, our piece of road, We can make the difference for humanity, and while our body will die our spirit can be immortal through our sons and descendents.
We can make the difference, We can go sleeping every night serenely because We did the Right Thing during the day.
It's not important if you believe in God, Buddha, Allah, the Cosmos, or simply Life and Complexity [non condivido ma non censuro].
Of course, We all know, as Fathers, that We are little ants in front of the Universe and We've to humbly learn something about this Entity, this Universe, to have a good life, an honored life, to teach something to our neighbour.

Coming to our days We can observe We're not very happy even if We're rich, We own thousand
objects, We don't lack of food as in the past (on the opposite We eat too much! and We're
I could say: material wellness "replaced" spiritual wellness.
You just need to go in Asia or Africa to see how much happier are children and adults even if they're very poor, they die earlier, they have no medicines, the can eat 1-2 times a day if lucky.
But here in Europe and USA We're no more happy like in the past. One person on two suffer of "stress", one person on five suffer of "depression" [ma l'unica cosa che sanno dirci questi soffetti è che siamo pessimisti] and takes medicines or antidepressants, World Health Organization tells us anxiety and depression are the first cause of disability since 2020.
The main reasons of this mess are:
1) Too much material wellness and money accumulation addiction
2) The destroying of the Family institution
The destruction of the natural Family (man, woman with different and complementary biological based roles) started some centuries ago with the Industrial Revolution.
While during agriculture times dads worked and lived in the family, during industrial period they moved to a factory far from the family, they had no more time, opportunity and energies to act the role of Father and Husband.
Another bad "hit" to Fatherhood and Family was during the 1900 world wars where million
children became orphans and "the line of fatherhood knowledge transmission" was broken
The final "hit" was given from '68 ideological revolution.
During '68 We decided that family was not so important, education was not so important,
obligations and laws were not so important, We started giving Freedom without Limits (very silly)
to children and people, We started asking human rights without giving human obligations. Words and ideologies like libertarianism, self-determination, relativism, individualism, feminism, destroyed all our moral basements, deleted our roots and healthy traditions [se ne ricordi chi esclude o addirittura deride e minaccia il prossimo ogni 2x3].
We forgot the "important message" of our fathers and ancestors who gave us Democracy and
The important message is: "We born as animals, We become humans only if We are well educated from the Family."
Yes.. after '68 We saw the decline of western world, We saw the decline of mental wellness of western people, We discover that School and Government CAN'T SUBSTITUTE the Family to
educate our children
to morality and mental sanity.
The family is the only natural educational institute since millions years, We've to go back to Family centered societies if We want to be happy and healthy again.
It's very simple

I stop here. I wish to all men and women to find their deepest genuine identity.
Men and Women need to come back valorizing their natural biological differences, to cooperate [NON COMPETERE] for a better society, for a better Family. We've to offer to our children a strong, balanced, happy family to give them a better future.
Words and Written Constitutions are not important if We don't GIVE THE EXAMPLE to our children.
So the best We can do is to be happy as men and women, to be in a strong love relationship as couple to show our children, We need to be honest, moral, transparent, brave, to eat healthy, sleep fine, to make activities and move the body to stay healthy, to make charity activities toward unlucky people, to be positive and philanthropist (stopping to be always angry and misanthrope)
We've to take care of our health because We CAN'T help anyone if We are not able to help and guide ourself.
As Men We are Captains of the Ship and We've to choose simple and humble women who will
support us in our hard mission.
Thanks for your attention.


Artist Philosopher, Father, Wild Man, Manager and Cultural promoter, Life Coach since 2003.
Our most downloaded documentaries and youtube social campaigns:
The Friendship of Men - Spot Fatherhood, a Present Father - Sons of an Absent Father - Father and
Son meet themselves Grown-up - Children of Divorce - What Children Write - Psychological
Violence hidden evil - The Gift of Ancestors.
The Rock (Fahter) and the Flower (Son)
Some aphorisms out from last Fabio Barzagli's book "Consapevolezza. Un libro di auto aiuto."
(Awareness. A self-help book.) published by Mondo Nuovo in January 2025.
- (on Life) " Opening mind isn't watching at crazy human things.
We need a great opened heart and mind just to learn the simpler things that Nature shows to us. "
- (dear Woman) " Your man is also your mentor. He lives and make experiences also to give you
and your children those teachings you will need to have a good and safe life. "
- (on Happiness) " Search for pleasure makes you stressed. Stress consumes your serenity.
But only serenity can produce enduring happiness. So search for serenity.. and pleasure will come. "
- (in the Grace of God, under the Karma of Buddha, in the Fate of Universe) " Build around you
walls of beauty, corrals of goodness, rivers of justice.. and evil will be far from you. "

Contacts and main Links:
Welcome back Father - Textual contents:
Official Youtube Channel, Social Campaigns, Documentaries:
Personal author site: Email:
Noi ci ritroveremo a difendere, non solo le incredibili virtù e l’incredibile sensatezza della vita umana, ma qualcosa di ancora più incredibile, questo immenso, impossibile universo che ci fissa in volto. Noi saremo tra quanti hanno visto eppure hanno creduto.