Non capisco cosa vuoi dire Fabrizio.
Questo sono le donne di Mali, a te non piacerà ma io le considero tutt'altro che femministe se vanno a chiedere spiegazioni al governo che dove ha mandato in guerra i loro mariti che sono morti tutti. Certo non è l'immagine di una donna oppressa che quasi odia il marito ma al contrario di donne che chiedono spiegazioni per la morte dei loro mariti.
At the end of January 2012, a group of women who were wives of soldiers from Kati had held a march and threatened to go to the Palais de Koulouba (presidential palace) in Bamako. These women felt that they needed more information about the government’s response to what had happened to their husbands who had been sent by the government to fight the Tuareg rebellion in the north of Mali. There had been a lot of rumour that the Malian military did not have enough arms to fight the Tuareg rebels. The women had also heard that there were many cases of torture and ill treatment of Malian soldiers by the Tuareg rebels, and had also heard rumours that the Malian government was engaged in heavy negotiation with the rebels and not, for example, ordering troops to shoot at the rebels. They felt that their husbands had been sent to the north of Mali to die.
Invece il problema occidentale è questa:
We have not heard of any targeted physical attacks against women yet, but for me this is not the only thing to worry about. I am deeply concerned about the way that the fundamentalists have begun to limit women’s rights - starting with the way that women dress.
anche i commenti sottolineano che è solo propaganda occidentale che con la storia del velo e vestiti delle donne fa togliere lo sguardo dai problemi essenziali, e invece le donne in quanto donne stanno benissimo con se stesse in quella cultura tradizionale, non come quelle occidentali.