The ManKind Initiative is a national charity that provides help and support for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence.
To directly, and indirectly help others to, support male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK and within their local communities.
Domestic abuse affects people from all walks of life regardless of gender, sexual orientation or race.
Men, in particular, suffer because of the lack of recognition and awareness by society and often the lack of local services available to support them.
The ManKind Initiative is committed to:
Ensuring male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence receive the help they need.
Challenging the lack of recognition and awareness by society.
Ensuring that the police, councils, the NHS and the Government provide adequate services and support to male victims at a national and local level.
Ensuring that safe houses, services and information campaigns are made available to support male victims.
Removing gender politics from the issue of domestic abuse and ensuring that both male and female victims are treated as equals.
Ensuring that statutory agencies, in particular, the Government, the police, local authorities, the NHS and the Crown Prosecution Service fully comply with the Gender Equality Duty and other legislation in supporting male victims.
The charity does not believe in the gendered approach to domestic abuse because this is not appropriate in the 21st century and is not in keeping with ensuring there is equality of support, services and recognition for all victims. The ManKind Initiative believes firmly in the need to support all victims of domestic abuse.